Submit an Advertisement or Sponsorship

Thank you for your interest in becoming an AARV Sponsor or Advertiser.

If you wish to advertise in the AARV newsletter and website, please complete the form below and submit your payment by credit card or check.

NEW! AARV is offering a 15% sponsor loyalty discount for sponsors who would like to register for two years of sponsorship. We recommend that new sponsors join for one year to make sure that the exposure and return on investment meets expectations. Please note that there are no refunds after sponsorship starts.

If you have any questions or would like to arrange for another type of advertisement or sponsorship, please contact the AARV Industry Liaison at


Interested in Placing an Employment Ad?

If you are interested in placing an employment or classified ad, please see our Employment Ad page.

Questions? Contact the AARV Industry Liaison at

 Fields in red are required.

Step 1 - Choose the Advertisements and Sponsorships You Wish to Purchase

You may select more than one option.

Single banner ad (specifications: 600 x 150 px at 72 dpi)

    One year - single banner ad - $400

    Two years - single banner ad - $680 (savings of 15%)

After we receive your order, we will provide instructions for emailing your ad to AARV.

Double banner ad (specifications: 600 x 300 px at 72 dpi)

    One year - double banner ad - $750

    Two years - double banner ad - $1,275 (savings of 15%)

After we receive your order, we will provide instructions for emailing your ad to AARV.

   Other sponsorship

Sponsorship Description:
Sponsorship Amount: $ (number only, please omit dollar sign)

Step 2 - Provide Your Contact Information
Company Name:
Contact Person's Name:
Contact Person's Email Address:
Contact Person's Phone:
Step 3 - Select Your Payment Method

I am paying by:   

Please solve this math problem
to help prevent spam:
2 + 7 =

When you click on the Continue button, your information will be sent to AARV and you will continue to the next page for payment information. If you are paying by credit card, you will be asked to enter your credit card information on the next page.






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