Submit an Employment Ad

Thank you for your interest in placing an employment advertisement.

The American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians welcomes potential employers to provide advertisements for the AARV membership to consider.

Employment advertisements will be listed in the AARV members-only section of the AARV website for 2 months (approximately 60 days). They will also be available to AARV members through the monthly newsletter via a link to the members-only section on the website for the same duration of time.


Interested in Becoming an AARV Sponsor or Advertiser?

If you are interested in becoming an AARV sponsor and placing a banner ad on our website and newsletter, please see our Sponsorship and Advertising page.

Questions? Contact the AARV Industry Liaison at

Guidelines for Employment and Classified Advertisements:

  • Advertisements may not exceed 100 words in length.
  • Cost of advertisement:
    • Free for AARV members
    • $100 per ad for non-members
  • Ads are subject to review by the AARV Board of Directors.


AARV Members

I am an AARV member and wish to place an ad.

Instructions for AARV members: AARV members may submit a free classified ad as a benefit of their membership. Please email your ad text of 100 words or less to Please do not use the form below to submit and pay for your ad.



 Fields in red are required.

    I am not a member of the AARV, but wish to place an advertisement.

Instructions for non-members: Non-members may place classified ads of 100 words or less for $100 per ad. Please enter the text for your classified ad in the box below, provide your contact information and payment method, then continue to the next page to pay for your ad.

Step 1 - Enter Your Employment Ad Information

Step 2 - Provide Your Contact Information
Company Name:
Contact Person's Name:
Contact Person's Email Address:
Contact Person's Phone:
Step 3 - Select Your Payment Method

I am paying by:   

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to help prevent spam:
2 + 2 =

When you click on the Continue button, your information will be sent to AARV and you will continue to the next page for payment information. If you are paying by credit card, you will be asked to enter your credit card information on the next page.






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